Access Bars®

During an Access Bars® session, a trained practitioner lightly touches 32 points on your head which dissipates the electromagnetic charge that gets locked in our brains by the thoughts, feelings, and emotions that we have stored over lifetimes. Imagine if someone could press a button and mute that voice in your head that tells you that you’re not good enough or that you can’t accomplish what you dream about. That “voice” comes from those electromagnetic charges that keep us from believing we can have the life we truly desire, free from self-doubt and limiting beliefs, allowing us to embrace our full potential and create the reality we aspire to.

Access Bars

What is Access Bars®?

Have you ever found yourself reacting to the smallest of things?

Or maybe you can’t seem to shut off your mind no matter what you try? Feeling stressed, tired, anxious, or worried?

What if there was a way to reduce the noise in your head without having to sit in a cave or meditate for hours? What if you could press a button and mute that voice in your head that tells you that you’re not good enough or that you can’t accomplish what you dream about?  There is!

Access Bars® is a gentle treatment using light touch on the head that anyone can use. It is practiced in more than 100 countries by over 500,000 people worldwide who have taken the Access Bars one-day class.

Benefits of Having Your Bars Run

Access Bars® has assisted thousands of people to change many aspects of their body and their life including sleep, health, weight, money, sex and relationships, anxiety, stress and so much more.

At worst you will feel like you have just had a great massage. At best your whole life can change into something greater with total ease. What would it take to step into these possibilities?

60 MIN / $140